What's The Perfect Solution For Enamel Fluorosis?

28 April 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Enamel fluorosis can be a difficult condition to have. Overexposure to fluoride as a child can result in bumpy, irregular-looking teeth that can make you feel embarrassed or too shy to smile. If you have this problem and don't know what you can do to change it, you may be glad to know that a cosmetic dentist can help you. Here's how.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are the perfect solution for enamel fluorosis. Veneers are a cosmetic application of a thin layer of porcelain over the front of your tooth that gives you the appearance of a perfectly shaped, colored, and sized tooth. Think of them like one-sided dental crowns. Veneers can hide the fact that you have enamel fluorosis, improving the look of your smile dramatically, but that's not all.

How They Work With Enamel Fluorosis

For some people with enamel fluorosis, the enamel is actually less effective at protecting teeth than for people who don't have the condition. That's because the excess of fluoride during the development of the tooth enamel can potentially make the enamel softer than standard dental enamel.

Veneers can help here, too. When veneers are applied, a small layer of dental enamel is removed in order for them to fit without jutting forward. This will effectively strip away the damaged enamel that wasn't doing a good job anyway and will replace it with the veneer. Once the veneer is attached to your tooth, nothing can come between the two, so the veneer will effectively act as an artificial layer of enamel for your tooth.

What to Expect

Getting veneers is a fairly easy process. Your first appointment will be about examining your teeth and finding out what you want to get out of the veneers process. Your cosmetic dentist will show you samples of veneers to get an idea of what you like and dislike, and what kind of shade of white you want.

Once the two of you have agreed on a treatment plan, your dentist will place an order for custom veneers for you that are sized to match your current teeth and the color of white that you chose. Once they're ready, they'll be attached.

Attaching the veneers is rather easy. The thin layer of enamel will be stripped off your teeth, and then the veneer will be put in place with dental cement. That's really all there is to it. With a short appointment, you'll be in possession of a perfect smile that hides the fact that you ever had fluorosis.
