Important Dental Hygiene Tips To Remember This Summer

27 May 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When the school year comes to an end, it is time for fun, sun, and dental hygiene. There are a lot of lifestyle changes during this time of the year that can have a negative impact on your teeth, such as swimming in the pool and sugary beverages, but it is important that you make oral health a priority. Here are a few tips to keep in mind this summer to ensure that your smile remains looking great.

Plan Your Dental Appointments

A lot of kids spend their summer participating in fun activities and heading off to summer camps. Their schedules are pretty packed with things to do, especially when you throw in family get-togethers and vacations. However, even with all of these things, it is easier to fit in a visit to the dentist for checkups, teeth cleanings, and whitening treatments than it is during the school year with all of their extracurriculars.

Get the Floss Out

There are many popular summer foods that tend to get stuck in between the teeth. Some of these foods are corn, pineapple, and barbequed meats. With that being said, it is important that you always have dental floss on hand and that all members of the family use it regularly to get those small food particles out from between their teeth. Individuals with braces will likely benefit from using a specialized dental pick, since it is difficult to use traditional dental floss.

Minimize Sugar Intake

As it gets warmer outside, a lot of people will want to grab a sugary treat or beverage like lemonade, soda, or popsicles. These all taste delicious, but none of them are very healthy. So, during the summer, you should opt for low-sugar frozen treats and drinks, as these treats will help keep your teeth healthy.

Limit Chlorine Intake

Many people do not realize this, but the chlorine that is used in pools to keep them clean can actually stain, damage, and cause sensitivity to your teeth. With that being said, you and the rest of your family will want to refrain from opening your mouths while swimming in the pool, as this will help to prevent the pool chemicals from entering the mouth and getting on the teeth where damage can occur.

Summer is supposed to be fun, and with the aforementioned tips, you can ensure that your oral hygiene does not suffer. For more information on how to protect your oral health, contact a dentist in your area.
